This web site is a combination of Historical Society activity (talks and exhibits) and Greenfield, Mass town history.
- The Society activity shows up on the front web pages and Facebook and You Tube channel.
- The town history is reflected on the web site as a number of searchable databases and presentations:
Database summaries: searchable at: search collections
book_collection 153 collection 795 german_cem 366 gf_buildings 276 gf_cemeteries_3 3197 hsg2023 153 photo_collection 1960 textiles_ii 588
The web site is built using wordpress and hosted on Linode by Rich Roth @ TnrGlobal. The content was developed by various local researchers, with guidance of librarian Sharon Roth and database work by Rich Roth. Most of databases listed in summary came from prior work by Tim Blagg, converted from FileMakerPro by Rich Roth